This morning, 3 of us went to catch the outgoing
tide for some barra action at spot 'A', unfortunately
we got ourself zero hit there, maybe due to the
freezing cold water at that area..
Since our hands are too itchy to go home, i came
out with another plan, go to spot 'B' and catch
the incoming tide...hahaha... We immediately
stop fishing and go for a quick breakfast before
we proceed for our plan 'B'...
Less than 5mins at spot 'B', Aziz aka 'doctor' got
himself 2 hits but missed.. After changing the
treble hooks to a slightly bigger ones, he finally
landed his first mighty barramundi on lure...
Followed by me, and me again... :)
Although our catches today are pretty small,
it's still a fish.. We had our fun! :)
Here's the pics..


My good old K-TEN...